My comments on the announcement below.
The announcement by "city officials" of a postponement of the lighting of the Arbolitos Flood Control Basin validates that the city council members did, in fact, violate the rules of CEQA.
Now that these non-elected officials have, post-CPU approval, discovered that Mr. De Hoff was indeed correct, they have stepped forward with another concession. This time the concession is not to the neighborhood, not to the city council, and ultimately not to the citizens of Poway, but to themselves. All under the guise of gnatcatcher mating season.
These un-elected city officials and the un-elected city manager are squirming to spend more of our tax payer money through continued payments to lawyers and an additional study. This is being done to justify the mistake they made in recommending to the city council approval of the CUP before doing due diligence.
Those that have lobbied these un-elected "city officials" to push for the lighting of the flood control basin for their own benefit are sitting back and watching the city spend our tax payer money to support ill-advised recommendations.
And those we elected to the city council continue accept this.
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