Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"integrity-be-damned" Boo

Below is an excerpt from Bob Emery's editorial published October 13.
Emery retired from the City Council after serving 28 years

"And an integrity-be-damned, “let’s light up the night” boo hiss to the Poway City Council for reneging on a long-standing city policy that prohibited the lighting of neighborhood parks. The council apparently gave its go ahead on Sept. 7 to lighting Arbolitos Park with 70-foot poles, when it directed staff to bring back a revised conditional use permit on Oct. 19. Not only does this action fly in the face of numerous promises to residents in the past not to light neighborhood parks, it opens the flood gates for numerous requests by all sports leagues to request equal treatment. As stated by soccer parent Ginger Couvrette, “We need more lighted fields, not just for soccer but for other teams, too.” I asked in a previous column, what’s next, Starridge Park, Valle Verde Park, and Aubrey Park? The possibilities are endless."

To see the full article, click here.

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