It remains obvious that backroom shenanigans continue to pervade the Poway city council. Three hours before the October 19 meeting Cunningham wrote an email suggesting what basically became the result of the meeting. In the message he recognizes that what the council would do would be against the extant General Plan. He goes on to offer a compromise and at the same time naming the Arbolitos area neighbors as "Opponents."
We are not opponents but citizens of Poway and residents of a neighborhood.
If there is any "contentious" behavior, as indicated in this Pomorado News article, it originates from city hall, not the Arbolitos neighbors.
Through non-public actions and verbal obfuscation what each of the council members did was break the commitment they made to uphold the General Plan when they vowed to be city council members. Instead each agreed, without saying so explicitly, that to lawfully proceed with the lighting of the flood control basin plan they had to change the General Plan first; not within 120 days, but by the next meeting.
Breaking commitments is not new to this council and we should all be wary of their remaining seated.
If the plan allowed the lighting of the basin, then there would be no need to direct the city staff to quickly cover their tracks and amend, change, or include a new definition for a unique and light-able park.
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